Saying goodbyes to people and places we have come to love is not easy. Knowing we would be leaving Russia on the 29th of April made every event shared with friends this month seem more significant and memorable.
April 4 - We went to Ismaly Park with the Masons and Reeses to get our last gifts and souvenirs.

I always enjoyed seeing the new art work Natalia Nikitina (pictured above) had for sale. Her selection was the best quality, and she always remembered me from the first time when we bought our Grandfather Frost from her.

April 6 - A farewell get together was held at the Service Center for Valentina Demina, who was retiring from the Finance department and moving to Utah where her married daughter lives. We enjoyed our association with Valentina. She has become a dear friend, and we look forward to seeing her again in the U.S.

April 13 - We had supper with the other senior couples at the Metro Market before going to see the entertainers from BYU-Idaho perform in a concert hall located near the tall T.V. tower by Exhibition Center.

The dancers had a lot of enthusiasm and were well received by the audience. It wasn't the professional talent of a Russian ballet, but they were impressive for college students. The theme of the show was a journey through life. I think the younger ones in the audience related better to the teen years segment when the music got quite loud. One segment, on the other hand, was void of any music. They had several costume changes to go with the type of music they were dancing. The narration was in Russian, but the vocals were in English except for a special duet at the end. After the show, the performers mingled with the audience and were personable and friendly.

April 14 - This was our "farewell" Family Home Evening with the Moscow senior missionary couples. It was held at the Rees's. We had a delicious potluck dinner, and the seniors signed a card for us that Linda Nearon had made with photos of memorable things we have done as senior missionaries in Moscow. Each one took a turn sharing a thought special to them from an April General Conference talk, and Sam and I were also asked to share something about our missionary service and our testimonies.
FHE at the Rees's apartment.
(Andria Cranney, Kathy Gregory, Renee Mason,
Sandy Rasmussen, Narene, Sharon Yorgesen,
Nancy Hall, Linda Nearon, and Linda Rees.)
We were formerly in the Moscow West Mission, and President Collins was our mission president for most of our mission (Philip & Trisha Collins). Since most of the other senior couples were in the Moscow Mission, we had been invited to their mission's special activities and knew and enjoyed the Cranneys and the Collins. We were better acquainted with more of the young missionaries in the Moscow West Mission, however, since we were there much longer.

It was hard saying goodbye to these special friends we have made in Moscow, just as it was difficult saying goodbye to those who completed their missions before us. Each has a special place in our hearts, and we hope we can keep in touch and meet again.
We shared one last activity with this senior group on April 17 when we went to the circus together. The Russian circus has a history and tradition that ranks right up there with the ballet. A year ago, we had been to both the traditional circus and what is referred to as the new circus; and this year we saw the new circus twice, once with Scott & Kristine and again with Nactya and Anna. We enjoyed both circuses. The new circus has more flair with lighting and costumes reminding one of a Las Vegas show, but both have talent and are professionally produced. It's hard to say which we preferred. With the senior couples we went to the traditional circus, and all were favorably impressed with the atmosphere and the performances.

I recommend going to the Russian circus if you get an opportunity. You will enjoy it.
Saying goodbye to Sofia, the receptionist and
friend at the Service Center. She was
going on vacation to Spain to visit her parents.
We knew the final two weeks of our mission would be extremely busy. Following the Area Humanitarian Conference in Armenia, there would be only three days to attend our branch one last time, finalize things at the office, finish packing, leave our apartment ready for the Burtons to move in, and say final goodbyes. These two weeks, including our time in Armenia, will be on the next blog.