We arrived in Moscow 17 November 2007, and I didn't start this blog until the 14th of April 2008. It is hard to believe that we have been here ten months. The time has gone fast. As I look back through photos taken during the fall and winter, I think about all we have experienced and the good friendships we have made. Naturally, I'm not anxious to walk on the icy paths again, but that's a reality we soon will have.
We appreciate how supportive our family are, and we do miss them. We have been blessed, though, to have had the opportunity to share Moscow with some of our family who have come for visits (Jeff & Rochelle and Doug & Shannon in May and Curtis & Marla and Todd & Beth in July, and Ryan & Tani are coming September 23 for a week.) Our family gave us a nice farewell before we left for the MTC in Provo where we received instructions for eleven days before leaving for Russia.
Our farewell party - Narene & Sam with the cake.
Mission President Cannon & his wife
came to set us apart before leaving for our mission.
Tauna made the "Serve with Honor"plaque on the mantle.
came to set us apart before leaving for our mission.
Tauna made the "Serve with Honor"plaque on the mantle.
We were met at the airport by Mike & Maradel Brown when we arrived in Moscow. After taking us to our apartment and delivering our luggage (two suitcases and a carry-on is what we each had brought), the Browns took us to see Red Square. It was snowing lightly that evening and an impressive sight. I remember thinking how incredible it was to actually be standing in Red Square in the center of Moscow. I still love to go to Red Square and especially like seeing it after dark, and Christmas time with the lights and decorations is the best time of all.
Mike & Maradel Brown -
the first friends we met in Russia
the first friends we met in Russia
Except for seeing babies in buggies and toddlers in strollers for an outing in the park, we didn't see many children during the cold weather months. I think that may help explain why it brought tears to my eyes when we attended a Primary Christmas program last December after being in Russia only one month. It made me think about my grandchildren, and I did have a rare homesick moment.
Primary Christmas program
Children & Grandfather Frost
One of the special memories of that first month is going with the other senior missionary couples on a service project to a home for the elderly with dementia. We sang Christmas carols and delivered little gifts of grooming products and candy. We even attempted to sing one carol in Russian, and we learned how to wish the ladies "Happy New Year" in Russian.

(front row: Al Price, Darvel Gregory,
Greg & Chris Shepard;
back row: Kathy Gregory, Sam & Narene,
Mike & Maradel Brown,
Sharon & David Yorgesen, and Barbara Price)

The senior couples serving in Moscow work in offices Monday through Friday, and on Saturday (our P-day or "preparation day"), the group often meet to spend time seeing the sights and experiencing the culture of Moscow.
Barbara & Al Price, and Mike & Maradel Brown
with St. Basil's in the background.

This was an extremely cold day.

Mike & Maradel Brown,
Nactya (our interpreter at the Service Center),
and Narene & Sam
We also went to another ballet, "Don Quixote" and to the circus with the Browns. We almost missed the circus, though, because the guys using their best Russian thought they had bought tickets for the 18th of the month. We had just gotten home from the office when Sam took the tickets out of his pocket and realized they were for that very evening - 18:00 o'clock - in one hour. We made it just minutes before the performance began. Of course, we went by metro and walking. That is how we travel nearly every place we go.

Each is distinctive in style and decoration.
In December we were assisgned to the small branch in Tver. It usually took about 4 to 5 hours by electric train or bus to get there, so we went Satuday afternoon and returned to Moscow early evening on Sunday. We loved the members of the branch, but it was nice when we were assigned in April to a branch in Moscow where we could walk and take the metro and get there in an hour.

(back row: Irina, Diyana, Julia, Sergie, Svetlana;
front row: Valentina, Olga's mother, Narene,
Galina, visitor and employee at the Service Center,
Natasha, and Sam)

who completed their mission February 14.
(Sam, Joe & Nancy Abram in the foreground)
We spent the first three months of our mission focused on doing humanitarian projects in and around Moscow. When the Browns completed their mission, we began full time assuming the duties of Area Welfare Specialists. We put in long hours at the office during February, March, and April and had not as much time for doing projects as we would have liked. In April, we met the humanitarian missionaries in Eastern Europe at the area conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. We enjoy our work, the people we work with, and the experiences we are having. We feel very blessed to be serving in Russia.

to join our senior missionary group - Clark & Renee,
Greg Shepard (Chris took the picture),
Al & Barbara Price, Sam & Narene,
Craig & Lorna McCune

at our apartment. We met Daniel in Tver
where he had served as a missionary;
they now live in St. Petersburg.
One of the fond memories of Moscow
will be the children bundled up in their snowsuits
with their little arms straight out.
will be the children bundled up in their snowsuits
with their little arms straight out.

We were sad to have the Prices leave in March
to return to Utah for Al to receive the
medical help he needed. He had a long struggle,
but his will and the prayers of loved ones
have brought about a miracle.
We miss them both here in Moscow.

shopping on Arbat Street.
It was my birthday and
also Women's Day in Moscow (March 10).

and also this painting, which I hid
and gave to Sam for our anniversary.

at the International House of Music.

but you feel lucky to get a seat
and had better be quick getting on and off
before the doors shut.

These are statues that were no longer
in the same esteem after the fall of the USSR.

on our last Saturday in Tver.
They serve the best belenis here.
(Elders Cannon, Michaelis, Geels, and Gillis)

our weekend apartment in Tver.

sponsored by the Church.
Soloists were from several countries. 23 May 2008
(back row: Sam, Greg, Clark, George, and David;
front row: Narene, Renee, Elena (who had a big part in
organizing the concert), Beryl, and Sharon.)

The photo was taken 21 May 2008
just before Joe & Nancy Abrams finished their mission.
(left, clockwise: Craig McCune (Lorna wasn't there),
Nancy Abram (Joe was doing an audit),
friends of Jonathan Snow,
Whitney Snow (Jonathan took the picture),
Renee & Clark Mason, Sam & Narene,
Chris & Greg Shepard, George & Beryl Curbishley,
Sharon & David Yorgesen
I have enjoyed looking back and thinking about the things we have experienced these last ten months, the friendships made, and the blessings that have been ours. We are grateful for our testimonies and the opportunity to serve the Lord and the people in this part of the world. We are impressed with the faithfulness of the members, with their knowledge of doctrine, and with their ability to participate comfortably in giving talks and teaching lessons. We see members use their money and vacation time to travel to Finland to go to the temple, as this is very important to them. We admire and love the Russian people and appreciate how kind they have been to us.
Finally, a memorable event to record is the Sacred Assembly we participated in via the computer video when President Monson was sustained as our prophet in April General Conference. I cherish this memory and am grateful for the technology that made it possible.
Finally, a memorable event to record is the Sacred Assembly we participated in via the computer video when President Monson was sustained as our prophet in April General Conference. I cherish this memory and am grateful for the technology that made it possible.
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