This was our second Thanksgiving in Russia. Last year, we had just arrived in Moscow and didn't know any of the missionaries. This year, it was fun to see missionaries we know from serving in Tver and Yuga Zapadnaya as well as missionaries we have met on visa renewal trips. President & Sister Collins served a traditional Thanksgiving dinner complete with turkey and dressing and pumpkin pies. Others brought an assortment of desserts. I brought Missouri Cookies. Elder Terrell thanked me for bringing them and said these were his favorite cookies.

President & Sister Collins (center, sitting on the floor)
Elder & Sister Ireland (second row)

(Five have served in Yugo Zapadnaya:
Elders Aiken, DeSpain, Pollard, Terrell, & Mills.)

finishing the main course before having dessert.
(Elder Cannon from Tver branch is sitting
two seats to the left of me.)

in their district's skit.
After we ate, each district presented a skit. These were well done and most were based on humorous things that had actually happened to them during their mission. They were pretty good actors, and we enjoyed all the skits.
Friday, the senior couples were invited to the Jorgensens for chicken noodle soup, and we all brought something to add to the meal. I made another batch of Missouri Cookies to bring, as the missionaries had finished up those I took the day before.
The Senior Couples at the Jorgensens
Meridian Magazine is one of my favorite online sites. Today I read an article written by Darla Isackson entitled, "Prayers of Thanksgiving." Toward the end of the article, she wrote:
"Like all commandments, the commandment to 'thank the Lord in all things' is for our good, for our well-being and comfort. When furious storms blow all around us, this key of gratitude unlocks the door to the house of joy, then lets us stay inside where the fire of faith burns bright in the fireplace. We can pull up an easy chair and warm ourselves by the fire of faith even when we know that the world outside our windows is in cold chaos.
"The promises for keeping the 'thanksgiving' commandment are amazing. The Lord said, 'He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of the earth shall be added unto him, even a hundred fold' (D & C 79:19). May we choose these blessings for ourselves by choosing to thank the Lord in all things."
Friday, the senior couples were invited to the Jorgensens for chicken noodle soup, and we all brought something to add to the meal. I made another batch of Missouri Cookies to bring, as the missionaries had finished up those I took the day before.
We appreciate the phone calls and video webcam chats with family and hearing about their Thanksgiving activities. We have so much to be thankful for, and we certainly had a happy Thanksgiving.
Meridian Magazine is one of my favorite online sites. Today I read an article written by Darla Isackson entitled, "Prayers of Thanksgiving." Toward the end of the article, she wrote:
"Like all commandments, the commandment to 'thank the Lord in all things' is for our good, for our well-being and comfort. When furious storms blow all around us, this key of gratitude unlocks the door to the house of joy, then lets us stay inside where the fire of faith burns bright in the fireplace. We can pull up an easy chair and warm ourselves by the fire of faith even when we know that the world outside our windows is in cold chaos.
"The promises for keeping the 'thanksgiving' commandment are amazing. The Lord said, 'He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of the earth shall be added unto him, even a hundred fold' (D & C 79:19). May we choose these blessings for ourselves by choosing to thank the Lord in all things."
To read the entire article, go to:
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