We send Christmas greetings to family & friends
and wish all a Happy New Year.
and wish all a Happy New Year.
A year ago, having arrived only a month before, we missed our family and our holiday traditions at Christmas. As we celebrated our second Christmas in Russia, we still missed family; but we felt at home in Moscow among our new family and friends. Here is a review of some of our Christmas activities this month.
Service Center (Photo by Vlad)
Our office is in the left wing not shown in picture.
We finally got snow for a white Christmas.
Our office is in the left wing not shown in picture.
We finally got snow for a white Christmas.
December 3 - Enrichment night at the home of Janet Rust. Their home was decorated beautifully for Christmas; and the program, music, and refreshments were special. I brought home the Russian nativity I had ordered.
December 5 - Christmas Devotional at the Central building for the employees and volunteers at the Service Center and Meridian building. We were given a nice leather covered hymn book and a card signed by the First Presidency.
December 8 - Combined Mission Senior Couples' Conference at the Central building with President Collins (Moscow West) and President Cranney (Moscow) and their wives.
Senior Couples Conference
(front: Sharon Yorgesen, President & Sister Collins,
President & Sister Pieper, President & Sister Cranney;
back: David Yorgesen, E/S McClelland,
E/S Mason, E/S Monson, E/S Rees, E/S Gregory,
E/S Ireland, Linda Nearon, E/S Shepard)
One of our humanitarian projects was with the largest orphanage in Moscow where the Church had donated exercise and physical therapy equipment. After the things had been delivered and were in use, we went back to take pictures following the Senior Couples Conference. It was sad to see the little ones with no family to love them; but the staff was obviously caring, there were holiday decorations, and the children were enjoying the new equipment.
Humanitarian project.
We were in St. Petersburg December 11 and 12 where we met and trained the new humanitarian couple, Tom & Patti Arave.
Family Home Evening was at our apartment on December 10 and at the Nearons on December 16.
We enjoyed seeing the Christmas lights in St. Petersburg.
Family Home Evening was at our apartment on December 10 and at the Nearons on December 16.

(Greg & Chris Shepard, Sam, Linda Nearon)
December 13 - Went with other senior couples to see the musical, "Beauty and the Beast." It was in Russian, but we knew the story and the music.
"Beauty and the Beast."
December 14 - I brought home from church the matryoshka nesting dolls I had ordered with the faces of the prophets of the latter days.
From Joseph Smith to Thomas S. Monson
in three sets of matryoshka dolls.
in three sets of matryoshka dolls.
December 19 - Moscow Choir Concert. It was a smaller choir than last year, but still very good and enjoyable.

humanitarian projects)
was on the program playing her flute in
one of the songs sung by the Moscow Choir.
December 21 - Sam gave the Priesthood lesson and I gave the Relief Society lesson.
December 22 - Yugo Zapadanya branch Christmas Family Home Evening.
December 22 - Yugo Zapadanya branch Christmas Family Home Evening.

(Sister Collins provided music for the skit
about the little daughter (Elder Mills) who wanted
to have a Christmas tree, but they were too poor.)

Yugo Zapadnaya branch
The Curbishleys are assigned to the Tula branch, but they live close to the Mission office where the Yuga Zapadnaya branch meets and so do things with this branch as well.

mission in Russia, but they will be going home
to Mesa, Arizona, in February.
December 24 - Moscow Mission Christmas Activity.

at the Moscow Mission Christmas Activity.
December 25 - Moscow West Mission Christmas Activity and later a Christmas party with the senior couples at Elder & Sister Rees' apartment.
Elder Ireland & other missionaries playing
"Do you Love Your Neighbor" game
at the Moscow West Mission Christmas party.

(Moscow West Mission)
December 27 - Toured the State Historical Museum on Red Square and walked around Red Square afterward and through GUM department store looking at the Christmas decorations.

near Red Square.

Christmas tree inside GUM, an expensive mall.
(Narene & Sam)
(Narene & Sam)
December 29 - Elder Armstrong and Elder Westbroek came to our apartment for supper and afterward gave us a message based on President Monson's talk Sunday morning at General Conference, "Finding Joy in the Journey."
December 31 - Went to the "Nutcracker Suite" with the senior couples.
going to the "Nutcracker Suite."
Sam took the next two photos at the end of the ballet.
The Arab dancers in front taking their bows, and
the Spanish dancers at the left in red and white.
Taking their bows to the applause.
The music and dancing was marvelous.
(The Prince (in red tights) and Clara (in white) standing
by her godfather, Drosselmeyer (black cape)
at the end of the "Nutcracker Suite" ballet.
Eating at the American Grill after the ballet.
(Yorgesens, Gregorys, Shepards, Masons,
Reeses, Nearons, & Piepers)
The Curbishleys and Irelands sat at the table
with President Gibbons & LaDawn and her relatives
and Yuri, their driver.
I love this picture of Christ.
the Spanish dancers at the left in red and white.

The music and dancing was marvelous.
(The Prince (in red tights) and Clara (in white) standing
by her godfather, Drosselmeyer (black cape)
at the end of the "Nutcracker Suite" ballet.
For awhile I didn't know if we were going to see much of the ballet. We went by metro and walking to the theater with the other senior couples and were almost there when Sam remembered that we had not brought our tickets with us. I stayed with the group, but he had to take the metro back to Sokol and then hurry to our apartment and return with the tickets. Hoping to enter the theater with the group of seniors, President Pieper explained in his good Russian that my husband had gone to get the tickets; but the ticket lady would not let me enter. However, after about 15 minutes, she motioned for me to come inside the lobby where it was warm and sit on the bench. I sat there watching the people enter and go through security with two men in black standing near the entrance. It was going to take Sam at least an hour, so I knew the ballet would start before he could get back. When I heard the bell ring to announce that people were to be in their seats for the beginning of the performance, I walked over to the lady taking tickets. Mixing English and Russian, I asked if I might be allowed to stand and watch the ballet until my husband returned with the tickets. She let me go to the second floor where I was able to sit down just before the curtain opened. It was actually a very good seat with a good view of the stage. When Sam came in with two tickets in his hand, the same lady told him, "Wife, second floor." By chance, although in the dark we didn't realize it until the intermission, he found a seat close to where I was. At intermission, we went down to the main floor to our assigned seats where the other senior couples were. When the ballet was over and we were getting our coats, I saw the lady who had been so kind to let me see the first of the ballet even though I didn't have a ticket and who sent Sam to the second floor where I was. I was glad to have another opportunity to thank her for her kindness. We smiled at each other when I told her a sincere "Спасибо" (spa-see-ba) - "Thank you."

(Yorgesens, Gregorys, Shepards, Masons,
Reeses, Nearons, & Piepers)

with President Gibbons & LaDawn and her relatives
and Yuri, their driver.
That evening, the Shepards, Gregorys, and Masons came to our apartment for snacks and to watch the fireworks from our 16th floor window. We regularly see fireworks year around, but on New Year's Eve there are continual displays seen across the sky everywhere you look. They began in earnest at midnight and were still going strong at 1:30 when we went to bed. I even woke up at 4:10 to some loud bangs and got up after hearing some more, but they quit after three series of these.
There is a web site with an Advent Book and an accompanying picture for each day in December which Ann Richards had sent me last year. I shared these with my family this year, e-mailing each day a written page and a picture focused on Jesus Christ to help me and those I love to focus on the real spirit of Christmas. On Christmas Day, I included my feelings about Christ. Among other things, I wrote that I am grateful that He came to earth to show us how to live, how to pray, and how to have charity and love for each other.
There is a web site with an Advent Book and an accompanying picture for each day in December which Ann Richards had sent me last year. I shared these with my family this year, e-mailing each day a written page and a picture focused on Jesus Christ to help me and those I love to focus on the real spirit of Christmas. On Christmas Day, I included my feelings about Christ. Among other things, I wrote that I am grateful that He came to earth to show us how to live, how to pray, and how to have charity and love for each other.

I have always loved the Christmas music, the story of the Nativity, the decorations and the Christmas trees, the baking, even the shopping, and especially hearing from friends and loved ones. This Christmas we had two small artificial Christmas trees we inherited with our apartment and the other decorations in our apartment were sparse in comparison to other years, Christmas carols were usually sung in Russian, baking was not extensive, shopping was almost nil, but we had a very memorable Christmas. We are happy to be here in Moscow and are thankful for the love of our Savior and His gift to us of the Atonement. We are grateful for the love and support of family and friends. It has been a good year.