Friday morning, December 5, a Christmas devotional was held at the Central building for the church employees and volunteers working at the Service Center and Meridian building. Messages were given by President Wolfgang of the Area Presidency; Brother Stapley, the DTA (Director of Temporal Affairs); and the young secretary in the CES office (Church Education Service) who had served a mission in St. Petersburg. The music was provided by the different departments in the Service Center.

singing a cute Russian song.
(The three on the right are ones I frequently
have contact with: Valentina, Dmitry, and Zhanna.)
Sam and I were invited to sing "Away in the Manger" with the Visa and Travel department, who are across the hall from us in the Service Center. The first verse was a solo by a young missionary who has taken operatic training at BYU, the second verse was sung in English, and the third verse was sung in Russian. Refreshments were served, and we were given a nice leather covered hymn book with a Christmas card from the First Presidency. After the devotional, we went back to the office for the rest of the afternoon. Here are a few photos taken after the devotional:
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